Ocean Dreams oracle deck and journal on a small table on a patio.

Monday Intentions: The Delightful Diaries

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Welcome to the Delightful Diaries! This is my weekly roundup where I set Monday intentions and update y’all on the following:

1 song I’ve had on repeat in the last week
2 recipes I’ve enjoyed in the last week
3 words/phrases to set a vibe for next week
4 things that have been inspiring me lately, and
5 things I’ve doing to take care of myself.

1stly, on repeat for this monday intention setting sesh: By Your Side by Jadakiss

I’d be lying if I said I’ve only had this on repeat for a week. This whole album, Kiss of Death, has been on rotation for at least a month.

2 recipes are better than one

3 words (or phrases?), sort of like monday affirmations?

  • 🏖️ Work soft, play hard
  • 🤔 Inquiring minds
  • Joie de vivre

Before monday intentions were ever in the picture… 4 things that have been inspiring me

  • Slow Days, Fast Company by Eve Babitz. I love this book so far. It’s my second Babitz and I admire how aptly and simply she describes her experience of womanhood. Might go to a baseball game sometime just to see if it’s really as sexually tense as she says.
  • Chicago coffee shop Drink Happy Thoughts (it’s in Uptown) has a cold brew drink called Lady Luck that has motivated me to leave my house twice this week.
  • I’ve been blocking off time to brush and entertain my cat these days and it’s been kind of great. She’ll wake up out of a dead sleep when she hears her favorite toy whipping around, which is inspiring as hell! It’s not a Monday intention without thinking about what gets me out of bed.
  • I’ve been watching a shit ton of Lena Yeo on YouTube. One of my all-time favorite creators who shares amazing tips to support your body and mind on the daily.
  • Just watched House Bunny, a 2008 movie about an ex-Playboy bunny who finds herself when she becomes a house mother at a sorority. This movie is unwatchably awkward at times, but in a way that feels accurate to the experience of grappling with girlhood, womanhood, and “acting your age.”

Enhance your Monday intentions with 5-Minute Self-Care Activities for Busy Folx

Last but not least, it wouldn’t be a monday intentions post without 5 things I’ve been doing to take care of myself.

  • Took myself out to the park for some reading on the weekend. Monday intention setting is a lot less stressful when I take time to be alone and let my mind wander before Monday hits.
  • I’m in physical therapy for a shoulder issue. Switched it up and got my ass to the GYM for physical therapy this week. When I say being in the right place helped me dial in like nothing else, I mean it. Best PT sesh without the actual physical therapist in the room. So much of muscle building and recovery is about learning how to extend your awareness to a certain part of your body. Just like I have to work at my actual desk or a coffee shop to focus, being in a specialized location helps here, too.
  • Getting 8 hours of sleep. This is going to end up on the list every week. No Monday intentions list is complete without “get 8 hours of sleep.” I often struggle to wind down at the right moment, just as my brain starts producing sleep hormones, but I’m working on it! Framing wind down time like a luxury in my head helps a lot. So does quiet music and a candle!
  • Time blocking a day or two in advance. I have a 9-5, a couple of side gigs (including this blog), a fitness routine, a novel I’m writing, a few cats, meal planning, and a social life. So my schedule changes a LOT, and I usually can’t time block a full week. Planning 1-2 days in advance forces me to keep a pulse on my energy levels and prevents burnout. Monday intention setting is just a glorified version of what I do every morning!
  • Reading oracle cards. Every morning, I try to pull a card from the Ocean Dreams Oracle by Starseed Designs, AKA Danielle Noel. The book it comes with is amazing. I use the questions for each card as journal prompts sometimes. I’m a beach bum and a Cancer moon, so water-themed decks really work for me.

Read more: Fixing Your Most Important Relationship

Tadah, the first issue of the Delightful Diaries. Hope this inspires you on your journey!! Share your favs and inspirations in the comments if you want?



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