a selfie of me at the beach laying on a striped towel

Birthday Journal Prompts to Maximize Positivity for a YEAR

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A suitcase with a swimsuit, sunglasses, and flip flops. Overlay that reads, "Birthday Journal Prompts for your 30s." The website listed is delightcollective.org.

10 Birthday Journal Prompts to Reflect, Celebrate, and Look Forward

My birthday is coming up next month, and I want to share these journal prompts in order to help anyone else who struggles with celebrating themselves.

“Celebrating” a birthday can be complicated. For example, I’m turning 30 this year. Since I’m an unmarried woman with zero children, I’ve had to spend a good chunk of the last couple of years wondering if I’ve overlooked a nonnegotiable, prescribed purpose in life (motherhood), if I’m a drain on society since I haven’t secured a partner (#spinster), and if I’m going to die alone (ugh).

These issues are critically exacerbated by the fact that I’m a South Asian American. My family and community – though they’re coming from a place of concern – have been raising eyebrows about my “timeline” and my “plan” for the better part of my adult life! It’s natural to struggle to stay hopeful.

Undue worry about the future is a great way to rob yourself of the present. It creates a never-ending cycle of living in the future while never actually getting to the future you want. A few years ago, I decided that I won’t live like that anymore, and I created these journal prompts for my birthday. They’re basically future planning journal prompts, but some of them are more reflective. I refer to my responses throughout the year and they really work to stay positive AND stay in the moment! Or at least the current year, which is a great start if you struggle with obsessing over the long-term. I know I do. Journal prompts for life transitions are tools I pull out a LOT when it comes to building my dream life.

You don’t have to answer all of these birthday journal prompts, but I find it helpful to reflect on a few every evening the week of my big day. So crack open that journal!


  1. Choose 3-5 words to describe this past year.
  2. Where was I one year ago? How does my life then compare with my life now?
  3. What narratives about myself and my life am I ready to release this year?
  4. What kind of person do I want to become this year? What about in 5 years? 10?
  5. How do I feel about your age?
  6. What are some physical changes I’d like to make this year? This could be about your wardrobe, hair, makeup, cosmetic procedures, etc.
  7. What are some habits I’ve developed or accomplishments I’ve had in the last year that I’m proud of?
  8. Who are my most important people? List each one and the role they have in your life.
  9. What are a few new things I’d like to try this year?
  10. What’s my favorite thing about myself?
Birthday Journal Prompts for your 30s - text overlay on top of a journal, glasses, and earrings.

There you have it. 10 birthday journal prompts to usher you into your new year!

Bonus: want another fun way to commemorate your birthday? Use this tool to discover what NASA’s Hubble telescope saw on your birthday. Could be fun!

Looking for ways to bring delight into your day-to-day? Check out Delight 101, by yours truly.

10 Birthday Journal Prompts for your 30s. This is a Notes App screenshot. The 10 prompts from this post are listed underneath.