Category: Self-Care

  • Solo Date Ideas: Fixing Your Most Important Relationship

    Solo Date Ideas: Fixing Your Most Important Relationship

    Did you know your most important relationship is with yourself? We pour so much energy into building, analyzing, and fixing our relationships with other people. Sometimes we forget about the relationship that dictates your entire life: the one with the person in the mirror! I’ve put together a list of…

  • 5-Minute Self Care Activities to Stay Sane All Day

    5-Minute Self Care Activities to Stay Sane All Day

    Self-care. Huge buzzword these days. I love kicking off a blog post with some cynicism, so I’m going to go ahead and say it: I hate the term “self-care.” See also: I hate healing journeys. These terms seem both impersonal and condescending to me. Plus, in our internet age, “self-care”…

  • Birthday Journal Prompts to Maximize Positivity for a YEAR

    Birthday Journal Prompts to Maximize Positivity for a YEAR

    10 Birthday Journal Prompts to Reflect, Celebrate, and Look Forward My birthday is coming up next month, and I want to share these journal prompts in order to help anyone else who struggles with celebrating themselves. “Celebrating” a birthday can be complicated. For example, I’m turning 30 this year. Since…