Financial Freedom Journal Prompts to Invite Abundance into Your Life

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In our world of instant gratification, endless disposable products, social media FOMO, and growing mountains of debt, it can be difficult to open yourself up to the idea of abundance. Since so many people have complicated feelings around financial freedom, I created these financial freedom journal prompts to help you invite abundance into your life. Every achievement starts with mindset, and financial freedom is no different! Let’s get started.

Financial Freedom Journal Prompts to Start Dreaming Big

Before starting these prompts, remind yourself that you are always allowed to ask the universe for MORE. There’s no dream too big, and no desire too small. Don’t worry about money at this point. You’re simply beginning to turn your daydream gears to get comfortable with the idea of having what you want.

While you’re filling these out, remember that every human being deserves abundance. We don’t have to spend some amount of time scraping by and working our asses off before we deserve having what we want. Reject that mentality.

  1. Imagine your dream house. Describe it in detail, from the location and the weather that surrounds it, to the number of bedrooms, amount of sunlight, wall colors, floors, special amenities, and who lives there with you.
  2. What parts of the world do you want to see during your life? Who would you go on a trip with? What are the most important parts of your trip – food, where you stay, activities and experiences, learning about other cultures, etc.?
  3. What daily comforts would improve your quality of life? Nice walking shoes? A car or certain features in a car? A certain mattress? A new pet?
  4. What types of things would you want to leave behind for future generations? A safer, more accessible world? A value system – financial and otherwise – that serves and encourages them to do good? Funds for an education? Property or other material goods?
  5. If you could make a big purchase NOW, what would it be? Would you pay off a loan? Get your car fixed? Book a vacation?
  6. If you never had to work again, what would you do with your time?

Journal Prompts to Start Unpacking Your Money Mindset

We each already have subconscious ideas about money that you’re going to have to figure out before you can move into an abundance mindset. Use these prompts to get to the root of your money issues. You might want to learn more about money scripts, too.

  1. Think about the last time you spent money for fun – think going out with friends or treating yourself. How did it feel? Did your spending experience meet your expectations? Was peer pressure involved?
  2. Do you ever shop for an “ideal self?” Consider clothes that you don’t like wearing or experiences that you associate with the person you want to be instead of who you are now. When do you do this? Why?
  3. Think about the last time you spent money because you had to – rent, car payments, medical expenses, pet expenses, etc. How did it feel? Do you acknowledge these expenses as caring for yourself? Do you believe the amount you paid was what your expense was worth? Why or why not?
  4. Are there any expenses you have because other people told you to take them on? Think about any input you might have had from others on where to live, which car to drive, what type of insurance to have, what to eat, where to travel, what to wear, what to watch, etc.
  5. When do you feel like you have “enough?” Is it when your paycheck hits your account? Is it after paying your bills for the month? Is it when you buy yourself something nice?
  6. What does “financial security” mean to you? How does this differ from “financial freedom?”
  7. When do you feel like you don’t have enough? If you frequently feel that way, when does the feeling spike or lessen? Consider times you are around certain people or in certain places, viewing certain content, plus when your monthly payments are due.

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