Solo Date Ideas: Fixing Your Most Important Relationship

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Did you know your most important relationship is with yourself? We pour so much energy into building, analyzing, and fixing our relationships with other people. Sometimes we forget about the relationship that dictates your entire life: the one with the person in the mirror! I’ve put together a list of solo date ideas for you to take yourself out. Everyone has a different amount of time and money to devote to various relationships, and this one is no different. So I’ve organized these by free, low-cost, higher-cost, or a splurge.

Free Solo Date Ideas ($0-however much your transportation costs)

  • Hit the beach (depending on your area!). There are 24 sand beaches in Chicago and I try to get to one a few times a month. There’s scientific evidence that gazing at a body of water can help lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and help you relax. If you don’t live near a lake or large pond, this one might not work for you. So here’s an alternative: go to the pool! You don’t even have to get in. Looking at a pool has similar effects to gazing at a large body of water. And, of course, if you want to get in, swimming is a fantastic low-impact way to move your body.
  • Read or listen to music at the park. Whether it’s a book, magazine, album, playlist, or podcast, spending some time in nature while consuming your favorite media is a great way to unwind and let your thoughts wander. Renowned psychologist Dr. Edith Eger says the opposite of depression is expression, and personally, I don’t feel ready to do any creative expression until I’ve had some time to let my mind get a little bored and take in my surroundings. This can be an amazing way to reconnect with yourself!
  • Make something in Canva. This is such a perfect tool to put together funny presentations or “newsletters” for your friends, digital scrapbooks, collages, moodboards, vision boards, and more.
  • Movie night at home. And no, I don’t mean the Love Island kind. Pick 1-2 movies and set up a big pile of pillows and blankets in your living room to enjoy a night alone. Or, if you like, get a “Do Not Disturb” sign for your bedroom door and curl up in bed with a beverage and your laptop. Is this the best way to support your sleep hygiene? No. Is it an amazing way to be cozy and enjoy your own company for a couple hours? YES!

Can’t find time to go on a solo date? Some age-old, unsexy advice: I block the time off on my calendar. More pointers here.

Low-Cost Solo Dates ($10-$40)

  • Take yourself out for brunch. Picture this: it’s Sunday. You wake up naturally and roll out of bed at 10am, wash up and get dressed, and take yourself out to the new brunch spot that opened down the street. You sit outside in the sun, have a decadent meal featuring a mocktail and an excellent novel. Then, you have a slow, leisurely walk home to go plan the rest of your week. Anyone?
  • Create a playlist. This is low-cost because in 2024, we need subscription services to listen to music, but I get a lot of mileage out of my Spotify subscription. I make playlists for everything, whether it’s a trip I’m going on, a particular week, month, or season, a place I end up often, a playlist about (or for) a friend or someone I’m crushing on, a concept for a story I’m writing… the list is endless.
  • Coffee and a bookstore date. This is one of the best ways to spend some in my opinion, whether it’s with a friend, a date-date, or by yourself. Try a new drink and grab a book of poetry, or maybe a cookbook. Bonus points if you take the poetry to the park after.
  • Read or listen to music in the bath. In this section because you may need to buy bubble bath. This is a classic. I try to make time for a bath on particularly stressful days, but it’s something that I’d like to do more regularly, even when my day’s been pretty chill.
  • Write a letter. The best way to do this as a solo date is to write the letter to yourself, but I also enjoy writing little notes for friends. You may need to purchase stamps and envelopes. This is something I’ve started doing pretty recently. If you have some fun stationary, stickers, and washi tape, it turns into a more visually creative process, too.
  • Movie night! Going to a movie alone might take some courage, but there’s nothing like fully absorbing a movie on the big screen all by yourself on a solo date. In a big, quiet, dark room, the fact that you’re alone doesn’t really matter.
  • Throw on an album. Again, in this category due to streaming costs. Listening to full albums is my favorite way to listen to music. You really get the experience as the artist intended, and learning to actively listen for an hour or so is a skill that comes in handy in all the different areas of my life. Wrap that music around you like a blanket and just absorb.
  • Make yourself a luxurious meal or snack. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just delicious. Depending on what ingredients you already have, this might cost closer to $40, but I love brewing up a rich clam chowder (from my Stardew Valley Cookbook) or brown butter sage ravioli (unfortunately a recipe from Bon Apetit before they put everything behind a paywall). Since I can’t share those, here are some other ✨luxurious✨ recipes I love (from bloggers I love, too!): Marry Me Shrimp Pasta, Spinach Feta Mini Rolls, Goat Cheese & Roasted Tomato Tartlets, and BBQ Chicken Thighs *in the oven*. That last one is super easy and perfect for a hot summer night.

Higher-Cost Solo Date Ideas ($40-$100)

  • Rent a kayak and get out on the water! Might sound a little random as far as solo date ideas go, but I recently did a guided kayak tour on the Chicago River. It was a fresh way to enjoy a city that I’ve lived in for a few years already, and got me a little more upper body movement in my week. A fantastic way to spend an afternoon.
  • Go thrifting for a new fit. I try to avoid using shopping as a way to pass the time, but I’ll make exceptions once in a while. I also make sure I’m buying clothing I actually intend to wear, which means analyzing my wardrobe year-round to look for gaps, but sometimes you just need a little inspiration in the actual store. Try choosing a specific number of items to purchase and stick to it. Bonus points if you donate something in the same trip!

And Finally… The Splurge Options ($100+)

  • Get yourself a perfume. This is what I did to celebrate my 30th birthday, and one hell of a solo date idea. I had an amazing time doing this, and buying scents in person is the way to go. Maybe for obvious reasons? The point is that Gucci Flora Magnolia is my new favorite scent. Tip: get travel sized versions of scents you don’t see yourself wearing often to save $$$.
  • Take yourself out… for dinner. This might take a little courage too, but having a fancy dinner alone can help you develop and refine your taste. It’s a personal growth activity more than anything. I have a list of ritzy Chicago restaurants that are perfect for this option. RPM Seafood, my love…
  • Go on a solo trip. Grab flights to a new city to get away for a weekend, or get a hotel room on the other side of town

There you have it. 17 solo date ideas for every amount of money you might wish to spend. Remember: it’s more than just “me time,” it’s you taking yourself OUT!